
There is NO Extra Expense to You!!!! 

The Best Part is…  These Incredible Services are FREE!

We analyzed the outbound transportation expense for a major manufacturing company and were able to save them over $280,000 in the first year, from their “Total Cost of Freight” on outbound shipments alone.  Nearly 10% of their previous transportation expense.


We are not trying to sell you anything extra, or something you "don't need."  We are simply trying to save you money, and offer a better service for what you are already paying for.  It is a quick and painless process, so there is nothing to lose. 


So Give us a call, or shoot us an email. 

We’ll be happy to schedule a time to show you what One Source Logistics, LLC can do for you.

                                        OSL, Inc

                                 1 Seven Acres Drive

                                 Little Rock, AR 72223


             Or you can email Our V.P. of Operations, Shaun, at: 

